Recently, a group of young artists called the Neo-Angono artists were commissioned to paint a mural for the National Press Club. It was to be unveiled at an event of the NPC. After finishing the work, the piece was revealed on the 55th anniversary celebration. The mural was tasked to visually depict PRESS FREEDOM.
On revelation, the mural was edited by another artist, covering elements that were deemed to be "leftist." (viva press freedom!)
Here's a portrait of Prof Randy David given a sloppy make-over.
Here's a headline change, with the faces of the Burgos family also altered.
Let's talk to the Neo-Angono artists. What do they stand for?
How free is free for a visual artist? How free is free for a human being, for that matter?
Here's Andres Bonifacio's alibata "K" tattoo edited because it might be misconstrued as "leftist."
We want to know what you think about this. Comment on this page or text NUMSG [space] messge to 29107 on Sunday at 8pm.
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